One of the reasons why Product Managers spend so much time building their sales deck is because it’s such a critical tool for gaining traction with prospects and customers.
But have you ever wondered what exactly makes a good sales deck? By looking at some of the biggest product launches, we’ve found ten key points to consider when making your next presentation.
#1. Your Sales Pitch Presentation should Focus on how your Product can Help your Customer
The goal of a product launch is to show off how awesome your new solution is and there’s no better way of doing that than by explaining how it directly solves real-life problems for your prospect. Now, this doesn’t mean that you should just list out every single feature in broad detail. That would take forever and leave very little time for discussion.
Instead, you need to focus on the most compelling features that will solve some of your customer’s major pain points and why these are important. If you can do this well, then your prospect will be more than happy to sit down with you for the next hour so they can hear about everything else.
#2. Use a Mix of Big Numbers and Emotional Appeal
Big numbers are all fine and dandy but unless they come with an emotional appeal, they don’t mean much in isolation. To keep people engaged when making your sales deck, it’s important to have a healthy balance between using statements that provide quantitative proof together with examples of how it would directly affect them.
#3. Your Sales Pitch Deck should Focus on Compelling Features
We’ve all seen the sales decks that are nothing but a list of features displayed using an incredibly creative mind map. Yeah, it looks cool… until you need to explain something in detail and have to spend 10 minutes trying to find where exactly it is on your diagram.
To make sure your prospect gets the most value out of your presentation, you should only include the most compelling features that directly solve problems that they care about. You can always go into greater detail later on if they ask for it or you want to really drive home the importance of these specific things.
#4. Make use of Screenshots during Demos
One great way to keep presentations engaging is by including screenshots so people can see exactly what’s going on behind the scenes. This is especially useful if you’re doing a demo as it allows your audience to see exactly what they would be looking at if they were using the product themselves.
#5. Don’t forget to Explain on your Selling Deck why Each Feature is Important
If you just list off every single feature but don’t explain why it’s relevant then how can anyone know whether or not that’s something that benefits them? If someone asks “why”, it means they don’t understand which makes them feel stupid. No one wants to feel stupid when trying to learn about a new product so try and include an explanation for every feature on your sales deck.
#6. Make sure your Sales Deck Outline Visuals are Easy to Follow
There’s nothing worse than looking at a mind map of feature upon feature with arrows pointing in every which way. Your audience is only going to get overwhelmed if they can’t follow your presentation and you’ll end up losing them!
To make sure that doesn’t happen, only include features that are related to the major pain points that your customer cares about. If you’re having trouble connecting two unrelated features then maybe it’s best to keep them both separate for now.
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#7. Show off How Easy it is to Use
If your product is really difficult for people to figure out or learn, they aren’t going to be happy with spending the next three years learning all of its ins and outs. This means they’ll either stop using it once they reach a point where it gets too hard or they’ll feel stupid trying something that’s really complicated.
If you want to make sure people get value out of your product right away, then it shouldn’t take more than an hour for them to learn how to use it properly. You can then work on building up their confidence level until they’re ready to handle all the advanced features down the line.
#8. Highlight Specific Benefits
We’ve already established that mentioning every single feature in great detail is a bad idea but did you know that putting too much emphasis on the benefits is just as ineffective? To keep anyone interested, you should make sure that both are balanced with one another so that there’s always something for your audience to think about while they’re sitting through your presentation.
#9. The Best Sales Ever Took Advantage of Statistics
There are times when including specific numbers in your sales deck is not only acceptable but will definitely help to increase engagement. One of the most popular uses for this tactic is having a chart that shows the huge growth in market share or revenue that occurred after you implemented your solution.
Eleggible’s Final Words
With the right sales deck, anyone can be persuaded into thinking that your product is exactly what they need to solve their own problems. It doesn’t matter how big or small you think those problems are because this type of presentation will increase engagement and subsequently your chances of closing a deal.